Emotional Liberation
Everyone wants to feel more pleasure in life, but only a few are willing to commit to the process. The first step to feeling more pleasure in life is learning to feel, to get in touch with your emotional body, recognize your stagnant emotions, and release them.
We are emotional creatures, we were born with the right to express our emotions freely and openly.
Somewhere along the way, however, many of us learned to repress emotions, especially those deemed “negative,” in order to fit in, earn love, and be accepted. We do this most often with difficult emotions like shame, fear, or anger. It just so happens that we most often suppress, and try to distance ourselves from, negative emotional states. That's why they are not integrated.
But some people find that being with their positive emotions is in fact, more difficult than being with their negative ones.
When we experience events that emotionally overwhelm us and we’re unable to process what is happening, accept our emotions, and express them through our body and mind, we hide them deep inside us where others can’t see them. And we end up hiding them from ourselves too. Yet, they’re still there.
The unresolved emotions get trapped in our body where they build and stagnate, draining our energy, leading to burnout, emotional imbalance, and eventually disease. This unprocessed emotional energy is stored in our organs, muscles, and tissues. It leads to inflammation and chronic health problems, and it undermines our overall well-being. When we chronically repress emotions, we create toxicity in our body, mind, and heart.
This leads to an unhappy life. This leads to addiction. This leads to failed relationships. Basically, this leads to the physical reflection of those emotional states. This means you can't ever be in the present moment. You can't ever be fully present with yourself in the here and now. Because the past trauma continues to come up again and again in order to reintegrate itself. It is asking you to become Whole.
Through dance, meditation, movement, breathing and sound, this practice can help you to completely embrace your emotions no matter how painful or uncomfortable they may be. It will help you learn from them and integrate them.
You will also learn tools that can be included in our daily practice to help you release stagnant emotions, and stored trauma in the body.
At Serpent Rouge we are passionate about Emotional Liberation, we have different techniques that can be fully shared in around 3 hours, however, it can also be adapted or divided depending on the needs of the person, group, or event.
You can book this practice privately in Tulum, check our availability below.
If you wish to learn this practice with your beloved, check out our Private couples session or our Private couples retreat.
You can also offer this practice at your retreat or event, inquire next.